Support CRASL Make a Donation
All contributions are tax-deductible under 501(c)(3) regulations
CRASL Inc. is a private Non-Profit Organization incorporated in
the State of Florida, with Federal Tax ID #27-4281902, with US [501(C)3] status fully approved by the IRS. Among its other activities, CRASL provides funding and support for excavations, publication, research, and education, and provides the non-profit infrastructure through which you can make your tax deductible contributions. Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
CRASL's formal Mission Statement is:
To forward research, geophysical applications, and archaeology of the Southern Levant especially centered in Israel, while fostering archaeological and historical tourism surrounding these studies; bringing a heightened understanding of the Israel experience to students, professionals, families, and those interested in traditional values. It is CRASL's intent to focus attention on the ancient cultures which comprise the core of western civilization.
Donations to CRASL are critical to support the research and archaeology
of the Southern Levant which is so vital. In addition to our
tours, both real and and virtual, we need your help to preserve
the big picture inside Israel so it remains there undisturbed for us to
research, study, and visit. The chief direction of all donations is:
- Geophysical and Archaeological Research of historic sites in Israel and the Southern Levant
- Follow-up academic collaboration and presentation
- Sharing of educational and research opportunities with students, researchers, and interested professionals and tourists
- Site preservation and restoration of historic places
- Conservation, curation, and exhibits.
CRASL, the Center for Research & Archaeology of the Southern Levant,
is based in College Station, Texas, and works closely with
AHC, the Archaeological and
Historical Conservancy, Inc. of Florida. CRASL was created to
manage research and archaeological
projects centered in Israel and the Southern Levant.
CRASL works in association with Mnemotrix
Systems, Inc., who provides geophysical survey, management, and information technology infrastructure support.
Help us keep these places alive so we can learn from our past as
we make our decisions for the future.
If you want to mail in a contribution, checks should be made payable to
CRASL Inc., Center for Research & Archaeology of the Southern Levant.
Please send your tax-deductible contributions to the following
address. Let us know if you need a receipt acknowledging your donation.
Center for Research & Archaeology of the Southern Levant
1511 S. Texas #140
College Station, TX 77840
Phone: 979-703-4512
Our website can be found here at