What's New at Legio
 Photo Courtesy of Yotam Tepper
Archaeogeophysical Investigations at Legio: a Summary
Jessie A. Pincus, Timothy S. de Smet, Yotam Tepper, Matthew J. Adams
Center for Research and Archaeology of the Southern Levant
Texas A&M University
Tel Aviv University & the Israel Antiquities Authority
University of Hawai'i & the Jezreel Valley Regional Project
Historical sources have indicated that the Roman Sixth Legion Ferrata was based in the Jezreel
Valley (Israel) close to the archaeological site
currently known as Legio near a historical Roman road junction to the south
of Tel Megiddo. Beginning in 2010 an archaeogeophysical survey using ground
penetrating radar (GPR) and electromagnetism (EM) was conducted at the site
over the course of several seasons in the hopes of locating the northern
corner of the camp in an effort to confirm the presence of archaeological
features consistent with Roman military construction.
Now in December 2012, after a full analysis
of the data collected and in combination with aerial photos, historical
sources, ceramics, and numismatic finds from surface surveys, there is
strong evidence for the location of the Roman camp at Legio, including some
ideas regarding its shape and size. As a result of this collaboration
archaeological excavation at the site can be confirmed as "Justified."
Watch for full results in our publications which we'll post here.
We'd like to offer special thanks to Gene Birdwell of Houston, Texas,
an Aggie of Texas A&M University, for his generous support for the last
several years which has allowed us to keep pushing on our research
and discovery, and plan for the future.
We look forward to the coming seasons! Come get involved in the discovery!