Gush Katif Story:
November 2006 Update
Slowly but surely progress is being made. But we still need your help!
Words from Anita:
My husband Stuart and I visited the new greenhouses that Yitzchak Cohen and our
sons and friends have put up in the Jordan Valley.
The plants looked great and lower trusses were filled with fruit and upper ones
filled with fully pollinated flowers.
I felt at that moment, as I inhaled the intoxicating odor of a tomato
greenhouse filled with produce that we are B"H still alive and functioning.
I felt at that moment that we have gained some winning points in this battle
for survival against the bureacracy, lack of planning and evil - even though
we had to do it on our own without any help from those who destroyed what
we had in Gush Katif and yet have not yet built towns anew as obligated by
law. The pepper plants and fruit looked great as well. Pictures of that next