Project Fresh Start
Relocate Gaza Jewish Farm FamiliesOctober 2006 update
What really happened to the 1700 Jewish families who were forced to move off their properties in the summer disengagement of 2005 at Gush Katif, in what is known as the Gaza Strip of Israel? It's a long story and one we will tell you here. And it's a story you can have a part in changing for the better by helping us help these families now.
Help us give these families back their livelihoods, and give them back the center of their life with a true fresh start - "fresh" for new, "fresh" for agriculture - Israeli style fruits and vegetables grown by experts in a new home you will help to give them.
After the Disengagement: Update on Gaza/Gush Katif
Expellees One Year Later
Erin Rachel Pincus Foundation