Chapter 22 - Text Notes
412 In the previous
Rashi we learned that the Akeidah did not occur until twelve
years after he left Beer Sheva. Then to what does {Hebrew Ref} refer?
413 Sanhedrin 89b.
414 {Hebrew Ref} ---
meaning "the words."
415 As if to say, "I am ready to do whatever You may ask."
416 Sanhedrin 89b.
417 Why did G-d not immediately tell
him, "Take Yitzchok"?
418 Whereby, it would be said that
Avraham agreed to sacrifice his son only because he had become
unstable. (S.C.)
419 I.e., every expression of G-d, here,
stressed to Avraham the greatness of his sacrifice.
420 Sanhedrin
89b; Ber. Rab. 39, 9; 55, 7.
421 I.e., Moriah = instruction.
422 The Lishkas
haGazis,the seat of the Sanhedrin is located on the Temple Mount.
Taanis 16a.
424 {Hebrew Ref} ---the land of
serving [G-d].
425 {Hebrew Ref} from {Hebrew Ref} ---
426 Ber. Rab. 55, 7.
427 A sacrifice that is
totally consumed upon the Altar.
428 Ber. Rab. 56, 8. See below
v. 12, Rashi {Hebrew Ref} .
429 Why did G-d not immediately
reveal which mountain?
430 G-d does not tell Avraham to which
431 Above 12, 1.
432 Yonah 3, 2.
433 G-d
did not immediately reveal the proclamation.
434 Pesachim 4a.
435 I.e., though it was not fitting that Avraham perform such
menial tasks, nevertheless he did so out of his love for G-d.
Ber. Rab. 55, 8.
437 Ber. Rab. 55, 8; Targum Yonasan.
Vayikra Rabbah 26, 7.
439 II Shmuel 19, 18.
440 Tanchuma
441 Ber. Rab. 56, 1; Tanchuma 23.
442 Why not {Hebrew Ref} ---till there?
{Hebrew Ref} ---there connotes a place that is
substantially distant, whereas {Hebrew Ref} refers to a short
444 Ber. Rab. 56, 2; Tanchuma 23.
445 Above 15,5.
446 I.e., how is the promise that I will have children
compatible with the command to sacrifice Yitzchok? (M.)
447 He
should have said {Hebrew Ref} ---and I will return!
448 I.e., G-d put these words in his mouth.
449 Dev.
450 {Hebrew Ref} being derived from {Hebrew Ref} ---
451 I.e., the Nation of Israel still benefits from the
reward of Avraham's total obedience to G-d.
452 Ber. Rab. 56, 3.
According to the latter explanation only Avraham's knife is referred to
as {Hebrew Ref} .
453 Why the stressing of {Hebrew Ref} ---
454 I.e., with equal determination.
455 See Shabbos 54a.
456 Below 30, 39.
457 Why the repetition?
458 Ber. Rab. 56, 7.
459 Why
the seeming redundancy {Hebrew Ref} ?
460 {Hebrew Ref} is an allusion to the word {Hebrew Ref} ---wound.
461 Ber. Rab. 56, 7.
462 Ibid. 57, 6.
463 Above
464 Above v. 2.
465 Tehillim 89, 35.
466 Ber.
Rab. 56, 8.
467 But, prior to this, G-d already knew that Avraham
was a G-d-fearing man! (S.H.)
468 Ber. Rab. 56, 7.
469 Why not simply {Hebrew Ref}
---He saw a ram.
470 Thus {Hebrew Ref} is a
reference to a specific ram.
471 I.e., according to the syntax,
{Hebrew Ref} is out of place. It is to be explained as if it had
said {Hebrew Ref} ---Avraham lifted his
eyes after the angel had said, {Hebrew Ref} .
Pirkei dR. Eliezer 31.
473 {Hebrew Ref} seems redundant!
474 Ber. Rab. 56, 9.
475 Ibid. 56, 9. The Midrash
explains {Hebrew Ref} as referring to the day of the Akeidah.
476 On Rosh Hashanah at the blowing of the shofar.
Tanchuma 23.
478 Why the repetition?
479 Ber. Rab. 56, 11.
Above 21, 34.
481 Thus, he must have lived in Chevron for fourteen years
after the Akeidah and, therefore, {Hebrew Ref}
must be only temporarily.
482 21, 34.
483 What is the
connection of this to the above?
484 Ber. Rab. 57, 3.
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