Chapter 47 - Text Notes
63 Devarim 33.
64 Ibid, 7.
65 Ibid, 20.
Ibid, 23.
67 Ibid, 22.
68 Ibid, 18.
69 Ibid, 24.
70 Bava Kamma 92a.
71 The reason being that Moshe said a special prayer that
Yehudah's bones should no longer rattle in the coffin as his remains
were carried on the forty-year trek through the dessert. (See Bava
Kamma 92a. Also see Rashi Deut. 33, 7.)
72 Though elsewhere in
Scripture {Hebrew Ref} refers to "men of valour," but, here,
it could not have that meaning for they were the weak ones.
73 Yaakov could not have meant that he did not live as long as
his fathers, for he was still alive.
74 Again?
75 Were the adult members of the household not provided for?
76 The intent here is that bread was provided even for
the children, who tend to waste much of the bread.
77 This verse
must be chronologically out of order since Rashi tells us (v. 19) that
the famine ended once Yaakov arrived in Egypt.
78 I.e., the
account of the first two years of the famine.
79 Mishlei 26, 18.
80 Yeshayahu 51, 18.
81 Tehillim 23, 3.
82 Unlike
Ramban, who renders it: the second year after all the money was ended.
83 The word {Hebrew Ref} , here, could not possibly mean "if
", for, obviously, they knew whether the money was used up.
I.e., here {Hebrew Ref} has the meaning as {Hebrew Ref} ---
85 Here, {Hebrew Ref} means not.
Above 45, 6.
87 Then why did they ask for seeds to sow?
10, 8.
89 In the moving of people from city to city.
90 This
should not be taken to mean that he transferred the people who lived at
one end of Egypt to the other end because, then, what would he have
done with those living in central Egypt?
91 Shemos 2, 16.
Above 41, 45.
93 Yechezkel 16, 43.
94 This [slaves] is not to be
taken literally.
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