Book 2: Exodus
Chapter 06
Verse 2: El-him spoke to Moshe
and said to him, "I am Ad-noy.
Verse 3: I revealed Myself to Avraham,
to Yitzchok, and to Yaakov as Almighty Sh-ddai,
My Name Ad-noy I did not make known to them.
Verse 4: I also established My covenant with them,
to give them the land of Canaan,
the land of
their sojourning
where they lived as strangers.
Verse 5: I have also heard
the groaning of the B'nei Yisrael,
whom the Egyptians enslave,
and I have remembered My covenant.
Verse 6: Therefore say to the B'nei Yisrael, 'I am Ad-noy.
I will bring
you out
from under the burdens of Egypt,
and I will save you from their slavery.
I will redeem you with an outstretched arm,
and with acts of great judgments.
Verse 7: I will take you to Myself as a people,
and I will be to you El-him.
You will know that I am Ad-noy, your G-d
Who is bringing you out
from under the burdens of Egypt.
Verse 8: I will bring you to the land
regarding which I raised My hand [in oath]
that I would give it to Avraham, Yitzchok and Yaakov,
and I will give it to you as an inheritance.
I am Ad-noy.' "
Verse 9: Moshe spoke [these words] to the B'nei Yisrael,
but they would not listen to Moshe
because of [their] distress and hard labor.
Verse 10: Ad-noy
spoke to Moshe saying,
Verse 11: "Come, speak to Pharaoh, king of Egypt,
that he
send the B'nei Yisrael out of his land."
Verse 12: Moshe spoke before Ad-noy, saying,
"Behold the B'nei Yisrael have not listened to me,
how then
will Pharaoh listen to me---
I whose lips are covered."
Verse 13: Ad-noy [then] spoke to Moshe and Aharon,
commanding them regarding the B'nei Yisrael
Pharaoh, king of Egypt,
to bring out the B'nei Yisrael
from the land of Egypt.
Sheini (Second Aliyah)
Verse 14: These are the heads of their paternal households:
the sons of Reuvein, the first-born of Yisrael [are]:
Chanoch, Pallu, Chetzron and Carmi.
These are the families of Reuvein.
Verse 15: The
sons of Shimon: Yemuel, Yamin,
Ohad, Yachin, Tzochar
and Shaul, the son of the Canaanite woman.
These are the families of Shimon.
Verse 16: These are the names of the sons of Leivi,
according to their generations:
Gershon, Kehos, and Merari.
The years of Leivi's life were
one hundred and thirty-seven years.
Verse 17: The sons of Gershon: Livni and Shimi,
and their families [descending from them].
Verse 18: The sons of Kehos: Amram, Yitzhar,
Chevron and Uzziel.
The years
of Kehos's life were
one hundred and thirty-three years.
Verse 19: The sons of Merari: Machli and Mushi.
These are the families of the Levites
according to their [descending] generation.
Verse 20: Amram took his aunt Yocheved
for his wife and she bore him
Aharon and Moshe.
The years of Amram's life were
one hundred and thirty-seven years.
Verse 21: The sons of Yitzhar: Korach, Nefeg and Zichri.
Verse 22: The sons of Uzziel: Mishaeil, Eltzaphan and Sisri.
Verse 23:
Aharon took Elisheva,
daughter of Aminadav, sister of Nachshon,
for a wife, and she bore him Nadav,
Avihu, Elazar and Isamar.
Verse 24: The sons of Korach: Assir, Elkanah and Aviasaf.
These are the families of the Korachites.
Verse 25: Elazar, son of Aharon took, for himself
one of the daughters of Putieil, for a wife,
and she bore him Pinchas.
These are the heads of the Levites' patriarchs
according to their families.
Verse 26: This is [the lineage of] Aharon and Moshe
to whom
Ad-noy had said,
"Bring the B'nei Yisrael out of the land of Egypt
with their multitudes."
Verse 27: They are the ones who spoke to Pharaoh,
king of Egypt,
to bring the B'nei Yisrael out of Egypt.
These are Moshe and Aharon.
Verse 28: It was the day when Ad-noy spoke to Moshe
in the land of Egypt.
Sh'lishi (Third Aliyah)
Verse 29: Ad-noy spoke to Moshe saying,
"I am
Speak to Pharaoh, king of Egypt,
all that I am speaking to you."
Verse 30: Moshe said before Ad-noy,
"Behold, I have covered lips.
How will Pharaoh listen to me?"
Chapter 07
Verse 1: Ad-noy said to Moshe,
"See, I have made you a god to Pharaoh,
and Aharon, your brother will be your spokesman.
Verse 2: You will
speak all that I command you
and Aharon, your brother, will speak to Pharaoh,
that he send the B'nei Yisrael out of his land.
Verse 3: I will harden Pharaoh's heart,
[in order to]
increase My signs
and wonders in the land of Egypt.
Verse 4: [Thus] Pharaoh will not listen to you.
But then I will display My hand against Egypt,
and I will bring My multitude, My people,
the B'nei Yisrael out of the land of Egypt
with great acts of judgment.
Verse 5: Egypt will then know that I am Ad-noy
when I send forth My hand over Egypt
and bring out the B'nei Yisrael from among them."
Verse 6: Moshe and Aharon did so.
They did exactly as Ad-noy commanded them.
Verse 7: Moshe was eighty years old
and Aharon was eighty-three years old
when they spoke to Pharaoh.
Revi'i (Fourth Aliyah)
Verse 8: Ad-noy said to Moshe and Aharon,
Verse 9: "When Pharaoh speaks to you, saying,
'Give yourselves [credibility by displaying] a marvel;'
you [Moshe] should then say to Aharon,
'Take your rod and throw it down before Pharaoh.'
It will
become a serpent."'
Verse 10: Moshe and Aharon came to Pharaoh
and they did exactly as Ad-noy commanded [them].
Aharon threw his rod
before Pharaoh and before his servants
and it became a serpent.
Verse 11: Pharaoh too called [his] wise men and magicians.
The sorcerers of Egypt also did
likewise with their magic art.
Verse 12: When each man threw down his rod
they (the rods) became serpents,
and Aharon's rod swallowed their rods.
Verse 13: Pharaoh's heart [remained] hard
and he did not listen to them,
just as Ad-noy had foretold.
Verse 14: Ad-noy said to Moshe,
"Pharaoh's heart is heavy [unmoved].
refuses to let the people go.
Verse 15: Go to Pharaoh in the morning
when he goes out to the water,
and stand there to meet him
by the bank of the river.
The rod that was turned into a snake,
take in your hand.
Verse 16: Say to him,
"Ad-noy, G-d of the Hebrews, sent me to you
to say [to you],
'Send out My people
that they may worship Me in the wilderness.
Behold, thus far you have not listened.
Verse 17: This is what Ad-noy has said,
'By this you will know that I am Ad-noy.
with the
rod that is in my hand, I will strike
the water of the river and it will turn into blood.
Verse 18: The fish that is in the river will die,
and the river will become polluted.
The Egyptians will weary themselves
[trying to purify] drinking water from the river.' "
Verse 19: Ad-noy said to Moshe,
"Say to Aharon, 'Take your rod
and extend your hand over the waters of Egypt---
over their rivers, over their canals,
their lakes,
and over every place where their water is gathered,
and it [the water] will become blood.
There will be blood throughout all the land of Egypt,
[even] in [vessels] of wood and [vessels] of stone."
Verse 20: Moshe and Aharon did exactly
as Ad-noy commanded them.
He [Aharon] lifted the rod
and struck the water in the river
before the eyes of Pharaoh
and before the eyes of his [Pharaoh's] servants,
and all the water of the river turned into blood.
Verse 21: The fish that were in the river died,
and the river became so polluted
that the Egyptians were unable to drink
the water from the river.
There was blood throughout all the land of Egypt.
Verse 22: The
sorcerers of Egypt did likewise
with their magic art.
Pharaoh's heart remained hardened
and he did not listen to them,
just as Ad-noy had spoken.
Verse 23: Pharaoh turned and went into his house,
and paid no attention even to this [miracle].
Verse 24: The Egyptians dug around the river
for water to drink,
for they could not drink from the waters of the river.
Verse 25: Seven full days [passed]
Ad-noy had struck the river.
Verse 26: Ad-noy said to Moshe,
"Go to Pharaoh and say to him,
'This is what Ad-noy has said,
"Send out my people so they may worship Me.
Verse 27: If you refuse to send [them,]
behold I will plague
all your borders [territories] with frogs.
Verse 28: The river will swarm with frogs.
They will emerge and come into your house,
your bedroom, and on your bed,
into the houses of your servants and your people,
into your ovens and into your kneading bowls.
Verse 29: Upon you and upon your people
and upon all your servants
the frogs will emerge.
Chapter 08
Verse 1: Ad-noy said to Moshe,
"Say to Aharon,
'Extend your hand with your rod
over the rivers, over the streams and over the lakes,
and bring up the frogs upon the land of Egypt.' "
Verse 2: Aharon extended his hand
over the waters of Egypt,
and the frog emerged
and covered
the land of Egypt.
Verse 3: The sorcerers did likewise with their magic art,
and made the frogs emerge upon the land of Egypt.
Verse 4: Pharaoh called for Moshe and Aharon and said,
"Pray to Ad-noy,
and let Him remove the frogs from me
and from my people,
and I will send the people to sacrifice to Ad-noy."
Verse 5: Moshe said to Pharaoh,
"Glorify yourself at my expense.
[Exactly for] when shall I pray for you,
and for your
servants and for your people,
that the frogs be destroyed
from you and from your houses,
remaining only in the river."
Verse 6: [Pharaoh] said, "By tomorrow."
[Moshe] said, "As you say.
You will then know
that there is none like Ad-noy, our G-d.
Chamishi (Fifth Aliyah)
Verse 7: The frogs will be removed from you,
from your houses, from your servants
and from your people.
They will remain only in the river.
Verse 8: Moshe and Aharon left Pharaoh,
and Moshe
cried out to Ad-noy
concerning the frogs that He had set upon Pharaoh.
Verse 9: Ad-noy did as Moshe said,
the frogs died, [those that were in]
the houses, the courtyards, and the fields.
Verse 10: They gathered them into [many] heaps,
and the land was polluted.
Verse 11: [When] Pharaoh saw that there was respite,
he hardened his heart and did not listen to them,
just as Ad-noy had spoken.
Verse 12: Ad-noy said to Moshe,
"Say to Aharon, Extend your rod
strike the dust of the earth;
and it will turn into lice
throughout the whole land of Egypt."
Verse 13: They did so.
Aharon extended his hand with his rod
and struck the dust of the earth,
and there was lice on man and beast.
All the dust of the earth turned into lice
throughout the whole land of Egypt.
Verse 14: The sorcerers did likewise with their magic art.
They tried to bring forth lice but they could not,
and there were lice on man and beast.
Verse 15: The sorcerers said to Pharaoh,
"This is the finger of El-him;"
Pharaoh's heart remained hardened
and he did not listen to them,
as Ad-noy had spoken.
Verse 16: Ad-noy said to Moshe,
"Rise up early in the morning
and set yourself before Pharaoh,
when he goes out to the water, and say to him,
'This is what Ad-noy has said,
'Send out My people so they may worship Me.
Verse 17: For if you do not send out My people,
behold, I will send against you and your servants,
and your nation, and your houses,
swarms of wild animals.
The houses of Egypt will be full of the wild animals,
and so too
the ground upon which they stand.
Verse 18: On that day, I will set apart
the land of Goshen
upon which My people stand [dwell],
so that there will not be any wild animals there,
so that you will know that I am Ad-noy
in the midst of the earth.
Shishi (Sixth Aliyah)
Verse 19: I will set a [sign of] deliverance (distinction)
between My people and between your people.
This sign will take place tomorrow."
Verse 20: Ad-noy did so.
Huge throngs of wild animals came
to the house of Pharaoh and the houses of his servants.
Throughout the whole land of Egypt
the land was devastated by the wild animals.
Verse 21:
Pharaoh called for Moshe and Aharon,
and he said,
"Go! Sacrifice to your G-d [here] in the land."
Verse 22: Moshe said, "It would not be proper to do so.
For that which is abominable [sacred] to Egypt
we intend to sacrifice to Ad-noy, our G-d.
Could we sacrifice the abomination of the Egyptians
before their eyes and not have them stone us?
Verse 23: We must make a three day trip into the wilderness,
and sacrifice to Ad-noy, our G-d,
in the manner that He will tell us."
Verse 24: Pharaoh, said, "I will send you out
so that you may sacrifice to Ad-noy, your G-d
in the wilderness,
as long as you do not go too far away.
Pray for me."
Verse 25: Moshe said, "Behold, when I leave your presence
I will
pray to Ad-noy,
and the wild animals will depart from Pharaoh,
and from his servants and from his people, tomorrow.
But let Pharaoh never again deceive us
[by] refusing to send the people to sacrifice to Ad-noy."
Verse 26: Moshe went out from Pharaoh['s presence]
and prayed to Ad-noy.
Verse 27: Ad-noy did as Moshe spoke [requested].
He caused the wild animals to depart from Pharaoh
from his servants and from his people.
Not a single one remained.
Verse 28: But Pharaoh hardened his heart
again, this time
and he
did not send out the people.
Chapter 09
Verse 1: Ad-noy said to Moshe,
"Go to Pharaoh and say to him,
'This is what Ad-noy, G-d of the Hebrews has said,
Send out My people and let them serve Me.
Verse 2: For if you refuse to send them out,
and continue holding them;
Verse 3: behold, the hand of Ad-noy is directed
at your livestock that are in the field---
upon the horses, the donkeys, the camels,
the cattle and the sheep---
there will be a very heavy [serious] plague.
Verse 4: Ad-noy will distinguish
between the livestock of the [B'nei] Yisrael
and the livestock of Egypt.
None belonging to the B'nei Yisrael will die.' "
Verse 5: Ad-noy has set a time, saying,
Tomorrow Ad-noy will do this thing in the land.
Verse 6: Ad-noy did
this thing on the next day,
and all the livestock in Egypt died,
but of the livestock of the B'nei Yisrael,
not one died.
Verse 7: Pharaoh sent [scouts] and behold
not a single animal of the B'nei Yisrael died.
The heart of Pharaoh remained hard
and he did not send out the people.
Verse 8: Ad-noy spoke to Moshe and Aharon,
"Both of you take full handfuls of furnace soot
and let Moshe throw it heavenward
before the eyes of Pharaoh.
Verse 9: It will become a fine dust
[and settle] over the whole land of Egypt.
It will settle on man and beast
causing a
rash which will break out into boils
[affecting] the whole land of Egypt."
Verse 10: They took the furnace soot
and stood before Pharaoh.
Moshe threw it heavenward,
and it caused a rash
which broke into boils in man and beast.
Verse 11: The sorcerers could not stand
before Moshe as a result of the rash,
for the rash affected the sorcerers
as well as all of Egypt.
Verse 12: Ad-noy caused Pharaoh's heart to remain hard
and he
did not listen to them
just as Ad-noy had spoken to Moshe.
Verse 13: Ad-noy said to Moshe,
"Rise early in the morning and stand before Pharaoh,
and say to him,
'This is what Ad-noy, G-d of the Hebrews, has said,
"Send out My people and let them serve Me.
Verse 14: For this time, I will send
all My plagues against your [very] heart.
[They will strike] your servants and your people,
so that you will know
that there is none like Me in all the earth.
Verse 15: For now I [could] have extended My hand,
and struck you and your people with the pestilence,
and you would have been obliterated from the earth.
Verse 16: Nevertheless, for this reason I have let you survive---
to show you My strength---
so that
My Name will be declared
throughout all the earth.
Shevi'i (Seventh Aliyah)
Verse 17: But you are still oppressing My people
refusing to send them out.
Verse 18: Tomorrow at this time, I will cause it to rain
a tremendously heavy hail.
There was never anything like it in Egypt,
from the
time it was founded until now.
Verse 19: Now send [word] and gather [shelter] your livestock
and all that you have in the field.
Any man or beast
that is found [remains] in the field
and will not be brought into the house [indoors]---
the hail will descend upon them and they will die."
Verse 20: He that feared the word of Ad-noy
among Pharaoh's servants,
made his servants and his livestock flee
into the houses [indoors].
Verse 21: But he whose heart did not heed
the word
of Ad-noy,
left his servants and his livestock in the field.
Verse 22: Ad-noy said to Moshe,
"Extend your hand toward the heavens,
and there will be hail
throughout the land of Egypt---
on man and on beast,
and upon all the vegetation in the land of Egypt."
Verse 23: Moshe extended his rod toward the heavens,
and Ad-noy sent thunder and hail,
and fire came streaming down upon the earth.
Ad-noy caused it to rain hail on the land of Egypt.
Verse 24: There was hail and fire [lightning] flashing
among the hailstones.
It was an extremely heavy [downfall].
There had never been anything like it
in all the land of Egypt
since it became a nation.
Verse 25: The hail struck throughout the whole land of Egypt,
[killing] all that was in the field [outdoors]---
both man and beast.
All the
vegetation in the fields
was struck by the hail
and every tree in the fields was shattered.
Verse 26: Only in the land of Goshen
where the B'nei Yisrael were,
there was no hail.
Verse 27: Pharaoh sent, and called for Moshe and Aharon,
and he said to them, "This time I have sinned.
Ad-noy is the righteous One
and I and my people are the sinners.
Verse 28: Pray to Ad-noy.
There has been enough of G-d's thunder and hail.
I will send you out without further delay."
Verse 29: Moshe said to him, "When I leave the city,
I will spread my hands [in prayer] to Ad-noy.
The thunder will cease
and their will be no more hail,
so that you will know
that the earth belongs to Ad-noy.
Verse 30: But regarding you and your servants,
I know
that you are not yet in fear
of Ad-noy, El-him.
Verse 31: The flax and barley have been broken
since the barley was ripe,
and the flax had formed into stalks.
Verse 32: But neither the wheat or the spelt were broken
since they are late in sprouting."
Verse 33: Moshe [then]
left Pharaoh's presence,
and left the city.
He spread his hands [in prayer] to Ad-noy.
The thunder ceased,
and the hail and the rain did not reach the earth.
Verse 34:
[When] Pharaoh saw
that the rain, and the hail and the thunder ceased,
he continued his sin[ful ways].
He and his servants hardened their hearts.
Verse 35: Pharaoh's heart was strengthened,
and he did not send the B'nei Yisrael out.
This was just as Ad-noy had spoken through Moshe.
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