and he did all that he said.
Verse 25: Moshe chose capable men
from among all Yisrael,
and appointed them leaders over the people;
officers of thousands, officers of hundreds,
officers of fifties and officers of tens.
Verse 26: They judged the people at all times.
The difficult problems, they would bring to Moshe,
and the simple problems
they would judge by themselves.
Verse 27: Moshe sent his father-in-law off,
he [Yisro] went on his way to his land.
Revi'i (Fourth Aliyah)
Chapter 19
Verse 1: In the third month
of the Bnei Yisrael's departure from the land of Egypt,
on that very day they came to the desert of Sinai.
Verse 2: They had journeyed from Rephidim
and had come to the desert of Sinai,
and camped in the desert.
camped there opposite the mountain.
Verse 3: Moshe went up to [the Presence of] G-d,
and Ad-noy called to him from the mountain, saying,
"This is what you shall say to the House of Yaakov,
and tell to the Bnei Yisrael.
Verse 4: 'You saw what I did
to Egypt;
and [how] I carried you on wings of eagles,
and brought
you to Me.
Verse 5: And now if you listen diligently to My voice,
and preserve My covenant;
you shall be My special treasure among all the peoples,
for all the earth is Mine.
Verse 6: You will
be to Me a kingdom of kohanim,
and a holy nation.'
These are the words that you shall speak
to the Bnei Yisrael."
Chamishi (Fifth Aliyah)
Verse 7: Moshe came [back]
and called for the elders of the people.
He presented to them all these words
which Ad-noy had commanded him.
Verse 8: All the people responded in unison, and said,
"All that Ad-noy has spoke, we will do."
Moshe brought the words of the people to Ad-noy.
Verse 9: Ad-noy
said to Moshe,
"Behold, I will come to you in a thick cloud,
so that the people will hear when I speak to you,
and they will also believe in you forever."
Moshe told Ad-noy the words of the people.
Verse 10: Ad-noy said to Moshe, "Go to the people,
and sanctify [prepare] them today and tomorrow,
and let
them cleanse their clothing.
Verse 11: Let them be ready for the third day,
for on the third day, Ad-noy will descend
on Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people.
Verse 12: Set bounds for the people around [the mountain],
saying [to them],
'Be careful not to go up the mountain,
[even] to touch its edge.
Whoever touches the mountain will be put to death.
Verse 13: Do not touch him [with your] hand,
for he will be stoned or cast down.
Neither man or beast will be allowed to live.
When the [rams'] horn is sounded with a long blast,
they will [then] be permitted to go up on the mountain."
Verse 14: Moshe went down from the mountain
to the people.
sanctified the people,
and they immersed [themselves and] their clothing.
Verse 15: He said to the people,
"Be ready by the end of three days.
Do not come near a woman.
Verse 16: It
was on the third day, in the morning,
that there was thunder and lightning.
A heavy cloud was on the mountain,
and there was a very loud sound of the shofar.
All the people in the camp trembled.
Verse 17: Moshe brought the people
toward [the Divine Presence of] G-d,
[leading them] out of the camp.
They stood at the foot of the mountain.
Verse 18: The
entire Mount Sinai was enveloped with smoke,
for Ad-noy had descended upon it in fire.
Its smoke rose like the smoke of a [lime] furnace
and the
entire mountain trembled violently.
Verse 19: The sound of the shofar
grew louder and louder.
Moshe spoke
and G-d responded to him with [His] voice.
Shishi (Sixth Aliyah)
Verse 20:
Ad-noy descended on Mount Sinai,
to the top of the mountain,
and Ad-noy called to Moshe
to come up to the top of the mountain,
and Moshe went up.
Verse 21: Ad-noy said to Moshe,
"Go down and warn the people
lest they break through [the boundary]
toward [the Presence of] Ad-noy in order to see;
and many [of them] will die.
Verse 22:
Even the kohanim
who [usually] come near to Ad-noy's Presence,
must be sanctified,
lest Ad-noy send destruction among them."
Verse 23: Moshe said to Ad-noy,
"The people can not go up to Mount Sinai,
for You have warned us saying,
'Set a boundary around the mountain and sanctify it.' "
Verse 24: Ad-noy said to
him, "Go down.
You will then come up [again], along with Aharon.
The kohanim and the people, [however,]
must not break through
to go up toward [the Presence of] Ad-noy,
lest He send destruction among them."
Verse 25:
Moshe went down to the people,
and he said [this] to them.
Chapter 20
Verse 1: El-him spoke
all these
words, saying:
Verse 2: I am Ad-noy, your G-d,
Who brought you out of the land of Egypt,
from the
house of slaves.
Verse 3: You must not have any other gods
before My
Verse 4: You must not make for yourself any carved image,
or picture of anything that is in the heaven above,
or on the
earth below,
or in the water below the earth.
Verse 5: You must not prostrate yourself to them,
and you must not worship them.
For I, Ad-noy your G-d, am a jealous Almighty.
I am cognizant of the sins of fathers for [their] children,
to the third and fourth [generations] of My enemies.
Verse 6: But I do [acts of] loving kindness
for thousands [of generations]
to those who love Me and preserve My commandments.
Verse 7: Do
not take the Name of Ad-noy, your G-d in vain.
For Ad-noy will not acquit
the one who takes His Name in vain.
Verse 8: Remember the Shabbos day to sanctify it.
Verse 9: You may
work six days,
and do all your work.
Verse 10: But the seventh day
is Shabbos to Ad-noy, your G-d.
You must not do any manner of work---
you, your son, your daughter,
slave, your maid, your animal,
and the foreigner within your gates.
Verse 11: For in six days Ad-noy made
the heaven and the earth,
the sea and all that is in them,
and He rested on the seventh day.
Therefore Ad-noy blessed the Shabbos
and made it holy.
Verse 12:
Honor your father and your mother
so that your days may be lengthened upon the land
that Ad-noy, your G-d, is giving you.
Verse 13: Do not commit murder.
Do not commit adultery.
Do not
steal [by kidnapping human beings].
Do not testify as a false witness against your neighbor.
Verse 14: Do not covet your neighbor's house.
Do not covet your neighbor's wife,
his slave, his maid, his ox, his donkey,
or anything else that belongs to your neighbor.
Shevi'i (Seventh Aliyah)
Verse 15: All the people saw the sounds,
the flames, the sound of the shofar,
and the mountain emitting smoke.
The people saw [all this] and they trembled,
and stood far off.
Verse 16: They
said to Moshe,
"You speak to us and we will listen.
Let El-him not speak with us [anymore] lest we die."
Verse 17: Moshe said to the people,
"Do not be afraid.
It was to exalt you that El-him came [in this manner],
so that the fear of Him be on your faces
that you not sin."
Verse 18: The
people stood far off.
Moshe drew near to the dense cloud
where [the Divine Presence of] G-d was.
Verse 19: Ad-noy said to Moshe,
"This is what you must say to the Bnei Yisrael.
'You have seen
that I have spoken to you from heaven.
Verse 20: Do not make[an
of anything that is] with Me,
gods of silver or gods of gold
you must not make for yourselves.
Verse 21: Make an earthen
altar for Me
and slaughter your burnt-offerings near it,
your peace-offerings, your sheep and your cattle.
In every
wherever I permit My Name to be mentioned,
I will come to you and bless you.
Verse 22: When you build a stone altar for Me,
do not build it out
of hewn stone,
lest you lift your sword on it,
you will [therewith] have profaned it.
Verse 23: Do not go up to
My altar with steps,
so that your nakedness not be revealed on it.' "
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