Book 2: Exodus
Chapter 27
Verse 20: You shall command the B'nei Yisrael
and have them bring you clear olive oil,
[made from olives that were] crushed for lighting,
to keep the lamp burning constantly.
Verse 21:
In the Tent of Meeting, outside the paroches,
which is before the Testimony,
Aharon and his sons shall arrange it
[for the lamp to burn]
from evening to morning before Ad-noy.
This is an everlasting statute for their generations
of the B'nei Yisrael.
Chapter 28
Verse 1: And [now separate] and take unto you
your brother, Aharon, and his sons with him,
from among the B'nei Yisrael, to serve Me [as kohanim]:
Aharon, Nadav, Avihu, Elazar, and Isamar,
the sons of Aharon.
Verse 2: Make sacred garments for your brother, Aharon,
for honor and splendor.
Verse 3: Speak to all who are wise in heart,
whom I have filled with the spirit of wisdom,
and have
them make Aharon's garments,
to sanctify him to serve Me [as kohein].
Verse 4: These are the garments that they shall make:
a breastplate, an eiphod, a robe,
a checkered
undershirt, a turban and a sash-belt.
Have them make sacred
for your
brother Aharon,
and for his sons, to serve Me [as kohanim].
Verse 5: They shall take the gold, the greenish-blue wool,
the dark red wool the crimson wool,
and the fine twined linen.
Verse 6: They shall make the eiphod out of gold,
wool, dark red wool, crimson wool,
and fine twined linen, the work of a craftsman.
Verse 7: It shall have two
shoulder straps attached to it,
they shall
be attached at its two corners.
Verse 8: The eiphod's belt, which is on it,
shall be
made in the same manner [as the eiphod]---
it shall be woven with it.
[with] gold, greenish blue wool, dark red wool,
crimson wool and fine twined linen.
Verse 9: Take two shoham [onyx] stones
and engrave on them the names of the B'nei Yisrael.
Verse 10: Six of their names on the one stone,
and the remaining six names
on the second stone, in the order of their birth.
Verse 11: The work of a skilled stone engraver,
the engraving of a signet [ring]
shall you engrave the two stones
with the names of the B'nei Yisrael.
In gold settings shall you place them.
Verse 12: Set the two stones
on the shoulder straps of the eiphod
as remembrance stones for the B'nei Yisrael.
Aharon shall bear their names before Ad-noy,
on his
two shoulders as a remembrance.
Sheini (Second Aliyah)
Verse 13: Make gold settings,
Verse 14: and two chains of pure gold,
you will make them for the ends, a braided work.
and you will fasten the braided chain's
to the
Verse 15: Make a breastplate of judgment,
the work of a craftsman.
Make it in the same manner you made the eiphod.
[Out of] gold, greenish-blue wool, dark red wool,
crimson wool and fine twined linen,
you make it.
Verse 16: It shall be a doubled square,
a span in its length and a span in its width.
Verse 17: Fill it [the breastplate settings]
with fillings of [mounted] stones.
Their shall be four rows of stones:
An odem [ruby], pitda [topaz], and a barekes
[shall be placed on] the first row.
Verse 18: The second row:
nofech [carbuncle], sapphire, and yahalom [diamond].
Verse 19: The third row:
leshem [opal], shevo [agate], and achlomo
Verse 20: The fourth row:
tarshish [chrysolite], shoham [onyx], and
yoshfei [jasper].
[These stones] shall be placed in gold settings
in their
Verse 21: These stones
shall have on them the names of the B'nei Yisrael,
twelve of them by their names,
each one's name engraved as on a signet [ring],
representing the twelve tribes.
Verse 22: Make [two] twisted end-chains for the breastplate,
braided work of pure gold.
Verse 23: Make two gold ring's for the breastplate,
and set the two rings
on the two [upper] corners for the breastplate.
Verse 24: Place [attach]
the two gold-braided chains
on the two rings, at the corners of the breastplate.
Verse 25: The two
ends of the two braided chains,
you shall place [attach] to the two settings,
and place them
on the shoulder straps of the eiphod
the front.
Verse 26: Make two gold rings
and set them on the two [lower] corners
of the breastplate,
on its edge
that is on the inner side of the eiphod.
Verse 27: Make two gold
and place them
on the two shoulder straps of the eiphod,
on the bottom, toward the front,
gainst where they are joined, above the eiphod's belt.
Verse 28: They shall bind the [lower] rings of the breastplate
to the [lower] rings of the eiphod
with a cord of greenish-blue wool,
so that
it [the breastplate] remains
against the eiphod's belt,
so that the breastplate does not move from the eiphod.
Verse 29: Aharon will thus carry
the names of the B'nei Yisrael
on the breastplate of judgment, over his heart,
when he comes into the Holy [sanctuary],
as a constant remembrance before Ad-noy.
Verse 30: Place in the breastplate
the Urim and Tumim,
and they
will be over Aharon's heart
when he comes before Ad-noy.
Aharon will carry the judgment of the B'nei Yisrael
over his heart, before Ad-noy always.
Sh'lishi (Third Aliyah)
Verse 31: Make the robe of the eiphod
completely out of greenish-blue wool.
Verse 32: Its opening at the top shall be turned inward.
Its opening shall have a border all around,
[this border shall be] of woven work,
there is around the opening of a coat of armor,
so that it will not be torn.
Verse 33: On its [lower] hem you shall make
pomegranates of greenish-blue wool, dark red wool,
and crimson wool---around its [lower] hem.
There shall be gold bells between them, all around.
Verse 34: A gold bell and a pomegranate,
a gold bell and a pomegranate,
on the [lower] hem of the robe all around.
Verse 35: It
shall be on Aharon
when he performs [Divine] service.
Its sound shall be heard
when he comes into the Holy [sanctuary]
in the presence of Ad-noy, and when he comes out,
so that he will not die.
Verse 36: You shall make a diadem of pure gold,
and engrave on it in the manner of a signet [ring],
"Holy unto Ad-noy."
Verse 37: Set [fasten] it
on a greenish-blue wool cord,
so that
it will be on the turban.
It shall be near the front of the turban.
Verse 38: It shall be [worn] on Aharon's forehead,
and Aharon will
carry [atone]
the iniquity of the sacred offerings
that the B'nei Yisrael consecrate
for all their sacred gifts.
It shall be on his forehead always
to make
them [the sacred-offerings] acceptable
before Ad-noy.
Verse 39: Make the undershirt with checkered work
of fine linen.
Make the turban of fine linen.
and the sash-belt shall be the work of an embroiderer.
Verse 40: For Aharon's sons, make undershirts,
and [also] make sash-belts for them.
Make turban-like hats for them,
for honor and splendor.
Verse 41: Clothe your brother, Aharon, with [these garments],
and also [clothe] his sons along with him.
[Then] anoint them, and install them,
and consecrate them to serve Me [as kohanim].
Verse 42: Make for them linen pants
to cover their nakedness,
reaching from their waists to their thighs.
Verse 43:
These [garments] must be worn
by Aharon and his sons
whenever they come into Tent of Meeting,
or approach the altar to serve the Holy [sanctuary],
in order that they not bear iniquity and die.
This is an everlasting statute for him
and his descendants after him.
Revi'i (Fourth Aliyah)
Chapter 29
Verse 1: This is what you must do for them
to consecrate them to serve Me [as kohanim].
Take one young bull
and two
unblemished rams,
Verse 2: [also] unleavened bread,
unleavened loaves mixed with [olive] oil.
and unleavened wafers anointed with oil.
You must make them with fine wheat flour.
Verse 3: Place them in one basket
and bring them in the basket
with the young bull and the two rams.
Verse 4: Bring Aharon and his sons near
to the entrance of the Tent of Meeting,
and immerse them in a mikveh.
Verse 5: Take the garments
and clothe Aharon
with the undershirt, the robe of the eiphod,
the eiphod, the breastplate,
and gird him with the belt of the eiphod.
Verse 6: Set the turban upon his head
and place the sacred diadem upon the turban.
Verse 7: Take the anointing oil
and pour it on his head and anoint him.
Verse 8: Bring his sons near and clothe them with undershirts.
Verse 9: Gird them---Aharon and his sons---with sash---belts,
and bind turban like hats for them,
and the priesthood shall be for them
an everlasting statute.
Thus you shall install Aharon and his sons.
Verse 10: Bring the young bull before the Tent of Meeting,
and Aharon and his sons shall support their hands
on the head of the young bull.
Verse 11: Slaughter the bull before Ad-noy,
at the entrance of the Tent of Meeting.
Verse 12: Take of the blood of the bull
and put it on the horn-like elevations of the altar
with your finger,
and pour all the [remaining] blood
at the
base of the altar.
Verse 13: Take all the fat
that covers the inner organs,
the lobe that is with the liver,
the two kidneys
with the fat that is upon them,
and burn them on the altar.
Verse 14: [However] the flesh of the bull, its skin,
and its intestinal waste, you shall burn with fire
outside the camp. It is a sin-offering.
Verse 15: Take the first ram
and have Aharon and his sons support their hands
on the head of the ram.
Verse 16: Slaughter the ram, and take its blood,
sprinkle it around the altar.
Verse 17: Cut the ram into pieces.
[Then] wash off its intestines and its legs
and place them with its cut up pieces and its head.
Verse 18:
Burn the entire ram on the altar,
it is a burnt-offering to Ad-noy,
a pleasing fragrance, a fire-offering to Ad-noy.
Chamishi (Fifth Aliyah)
Verse 19: Take the second ram
and have Aharon and his sons support their hands
on the head of the ram.
Verse 20: Slaughter the ram, and take of its blood,
and place it on the tip of Aharon's right ear,
and on the tip of the right ear of his sons,
and on the thumb of their right hands,
and on the big toe of their right feet.
Sprinkle the [remaining] blood all around the altar.
Verse 21: Take of the blood that is on the altar,
and of the anointing oil
and sprinkle it upon Aharon and his garments,
and upon his sons and their garments as well.
Thus he and his garments will be consecrated,
along with his sons and his son's garments.
Verse 22: Take from
the ram the [intestinal] fat, the broad tail,
the fat that covers the inner organs,
the lobe of the liver, the two kidneys,
and the fat that is upon them,
and the right shoulder,
for it is a ram of installation-offering.
Verse 23:
[Take also] one bread-cake,
and one loaf of oiled bread,
and one wafer from the basket of unleavened bread
that is before Ad-noy.
Verse 24: Place all [these things]
upon the [open] hands of Aharon,
upon the [open] hands of his sons,
and you shall wave them for wave-offering
before Ad-noy.
Verse 25: Then take [these things] from their hands
and burn them on the altar after the burnt-offering
as a pleasing fragrance before Ad-noy.
It is a fire-offering to Ad-noy.
Verse 26:
Take the breast
from Aharon's installation ram
and wave it as wave-offering to Ad-noy.
Then it shall be your [Moshe's] portion.
Verse 27: Sanctify the breast of the wave-offering,
and the shoulder of the terumah-offering
which were [the] waved and uplifted [parts]
of the installation ram
[which was used to install] Aharon and his sons.
Verse 28: It [the breast and shoulder] shall be
for Aharon and his sons'
by statute for ever.
[This portion is taken] from the B'nei Yisrael
for it
is a terumah-offering.
It shall be a terumah-offering from the B'nei Yisrael
taken from their peace-offerings.
It is their terumah-offering to Ad-noy.
Verse 29: Aharon's sacred garments
shall be his son's after him,
to be uplifted through them
and to be installed through them.
Verse 30: Seven [consecutive] days shall they be worn
by the kohein who will serve in his place---
one of his sons---
who will
come into the Tent of Meeting
to serve in the Holy [Sanctuary].
Verse 31: Take the [remainder of the] installation ram
and cook its flesh in a sacred place.
Verse 32:
Aharon and his sons shall eat the ram's meat,
along with the bread that is in the basket,
at the entrance of the Tent of Meeting.
Verse 33: They are to eat those things
through which atonement was achieved,
to install them and [thereby] to sanctify them.
A stranger [a non-kohein] may not eat thereof
for they are sacred.
Verse 34: If any meat of the installation-offering is left over
or if any of the bread [is left over] until morning,
must burn the leftovers in fire.
It must not be eaten for it is sacred.
Verse 35: So shall you do for Aharon and his sons,
according to all that I have commanded you.
Seven days shall you install them.
Verse 36: Offer a bull for a sin-offering each day
for atonement;
and by
sprinkling [its blood] on the altar
you will purify it [the altar.]
You shall then anoint it to sanctify it.
Verse 37: For seven days you shall make atonement
for the altar
and sanctify it and thus the altar will be Holy of Holies.
Anything that touches the altar becomes sacred.
Shishi (Sixth Aliyah)
Verse 38: And this is what you shall offer upon the altar:
two yearling lambs each day, continually.
Verse 39: Offer one lamb in the morning
and offer the second lamb in the afternoon.
Verse 40: And a tenth [of an ephah] of fine flour
mixed with one fourth
of a hin of pressed olive oil,
and a libation of a fourth of a hin of wine
for the first lamb.
Verse 41:
Offer the second lamb in the afternoon.
As the meal-offering of the morning
together with its libation, shall you offer it,
for a pleasing fragrance, a fire-offering to Ad-noy.
Verse 42: This shall be a continual burnt-offering
for your generations.
[It shall be offered] at the entrance
of the Tent of Meeting,
before Ad-noy, where I will meet with you,
speak to you there.
Verse 43: It is there that I will meet with the B'nei Yisrael,
and it will be sanctified with My Glory.
Verse 44: I will sanctify the Tent of Meeting
and the altar,
and Aharon and his sons
I will sanctify to serve Me as kohanim.
Verse 45:
I will dwell among the B'nei Yisrael,
and I will be their G-d.
Verse 46: They will know that I, Ad-noy, am their G-d
who brought them out of the land of Egypt
to dwell among them. I am Ad-noy, their G-d.
Shevi'i (Seventh Aliyah)
Chapter 30
Verse 1: You shall make an altar to burn incense.
Make it out of Acacia wood.
Verse 2: It shall be one amoh long and one amoh wide,
it shall be a square, and two amohs high.
Its horn-like elevations shall be of one piece with it.
Verse 3: You shall overlay it with pure gold,
on its top, its walls all around,
and its horn-like elevations,
and make a
gold crown-like rim all around it.
Verse 4: Make two gold rings for it
under its crown-like rim, on two of its corners.
Make them on its two opposite sides.
They will house the poles
with which it is carried.
Verse 5: Make the poles out of acacia wood
and overlay
them with gold.
Verse 6: Place it in front of the paroches
that is by the Ark of the Testimony,
in front of the covering that is on the Testimony
where I will meet with you there.
Verse 7: Aharon shall burn upon it incense of spices.
Every morning
when he cleans the lamps, he shall burn it.
Verse 8: And when Aharon lights the lamps in the afternoon,
shall burn it.
It is a continual incense-offering before Ad-noy
for you generations.
Verse 9: Do not bring upon it strange [unauthorized] incense;
neither burnt-offerings nor meal-offerings.
You shall not pour a libation-offering upon it.
Verse 10: Aharon shall make atonement
on its horn-like elevations
once each year.
With the blood of the sin-offering of atonement,
he shall make
atonement on it once each year
for your generations.
It is Holy of Holies to Ad-noy.
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