QUERY HELP AND SYNTAX TUTORIAL for Intelligent Content Query and Aggregation
Our Intelligent Content Query and Aggregation, embedded within our
Data Mining Servers which house our databases,
allows you to find things which are unfindable elsewhere. Our
Query Language is designed to be easy to use while
providing a robust set of abilities to let you quickly accomplish
locating difficult items. Here is what it can do:
- Answer Natural Language Queries
- Locate Concepts, Use the Inference Engine, Turn on SmoothSearch or Imaginative Access
- Find Keywords, Wildcards, Phrases
- Look for Dates, Part Numbers, Patterns
- Find Quantities, Statistics, and Amounts
- Locate Misspellings, Typos, Fuzzy Matches
- Apply Logic Operators to any Query Item
- Control Proximity of Query Items
- Rank Results by Relevance to your Query
Click on any item above for explanation and examples. You can enter
any of these query items in an Intelligent Content Query and Aggregation Process, or in a Query input box of any Search Form.
Please Remember: The tilde '~' is used to toggle
concept expansion on or off, based on how it has been globally set.
Where Concept Expansion is turned off by default within a
database, you expand the meaning of a word by clicking on the concept
button, or by preceding a specific key word with a '~' (tilde).
Where Concept Expansion is turned on by default, you restrict
the meaning of a word by preceding it with a '~' (tilde).
Access to many of our databases is restricted. Please
email us for assistance
if you are having difficulty accessing something you believe
should be available to you.
Getting Started with Content Query and Aggregation
More info on Website Searches