
Native American Language Support
A Thesaurus of many indigenous Native Language terms has been
constructed, so that with the Concept Search (Thesaurus) option box
checked on, you can enter a query using words from the Seminole,
Miccosukee, Creek, Muskogee, Cherokee, Apache, Lakota, Sioux, Yurok,
and other Native Languages from this and other regions. While
this project is not complete, many common words have been included
so that you can see how this can work as we add to it over time.
For example, if you enter the word "yok-che" (the
Miccosukee word for "turtle")
in our archive search,
the English text will be searched for its understood
English translation, "turtle". The matched words
will be highlighted in the result list and in context.
Examples of the sources we used to obtain this lexical content
can be seen below, and some of them also show how to pronounce
the words. Pick a word from one of these lists that could be
present in these Archives, and you will see how you can
find English equivalent references to the Native Language
words you type in. Further development will make it possible
to make the understood vocabulary more comprehensive.
If you have a web page containing your Native Language words,
or just have a word or two you'd like us to add, or a whole other
language we have left out, please email
us and we'll do our best to
get this added into our Native Language Thesaurus right away!