The Native American Cultural and Historical Institute (NACHI) exists
to preserve and enhance access to Native American culture, history, and
linguistic heritage, and to facilitate the educational opportunities
for Native American Students and scholars.
As an ongoing project, we hope to provide a shared pool of cultural and
historical resources for a variety of tribal groups. By becoming a Tribal
Sponsor, we can in cooperation with you, set up and host your
own Tribal Study Room which you can share, or
keep private, to whatever degree you wish.
Utilizing advanced technologies in information management and
intelligent retrieval techniques, we endeavor to provide to the
Native American community and to indigenous peoples worldwide, a
means by which they might preserve, research, and dynamically study
the cultural materials most important to them, while using their
own Native Language systems in concourse with a traditional English
language based approach.
It is our hope that these efforts will assist in rehabilitating
knowledge and pride in our collective past, so that we may all forge
forward into this new millenium without ignorance of what has come before,
and with a solid grounding in how we have all evolved.