CRASL: Center for Research & Archaeology of the Southern Levant

Underground Jerusalem

Courtyard Near Burnt House - 2010 GPR Study

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In January 1970, Israeli archaeologists excavated the remains of a house in Jerusalem where a well-off Jewish family had lived before Jerusalem was destroyed by Roman soldiers in AD 70. The house had an area of about ten meters (32 ft) square. Within this area, the archaeologists found a kitchen, work rooms, and a small ritual bath. More information on this and other nearby sites can be found by clicking here.

GPR Study of Courtyard Near Burnt House

In June 2010, led by Dr. Jessie Pincus of Texas A&M, our survey team acquired GPR data in a small courtyard just to the northeast of where the Burnt House excavations were finished. While this view shows the drainage pipes beneath the surface, there is also an anomaly on the right-hand edge of the grid which seems to be approximately the same level as some of the nearby Burnt House excavations (see red arrow in figure below), and may represent a continuation. Post-processing analysis will reveal a more complete explanation of the anomalies that can be seen, which will be published elsewhere.

First Look GPR View of Courtyard near Burnt House
First Look GPR View of Courtyard Near Burnt House

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Copyright © 2010 Dr. Jessie A. Pincus and Mnemotrix Systems, Inc.
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